Leadership for the Learning Organization (LLO)

Ignite A Learning Culture

Leadership for the Learning Organization© (LLO) is a 6-8 module course series providing key foundational skills crucial for organizational leaders at every level. LLO modules are custom designed to meet the specific needs of the organization. Beginning with the Emergenetics® thinking and behavior assessment, participants work together to understand their current workplace culture and the applicable skills needed to self-sustain their desired state.

Foundational Skills For Leaders

Emergenetics® – Meeting of the Minds Workshop

The purpose of this session is to introduce leaders with the Emergenetics® concepts and applications through a customized program designed to go beyond increasing self-awareness of one’s self –but to develop an understanding of the strengths in others for building a more effective team.

Creating a Culture of High Performance Empowering Employees at the Virginia Department of Social Services

When Carl Ayers joined the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) in 2014, he was the ninth person in the role of Director of Family Services in less than 11 years. With instability at the leadership level, employees consistently felt pulled from one priority to the next which impacted their ability to successfully serve their constituents.

Our Services Include:

Leadership for the Learning Organization© – 

An Amediate consultant will facilitate the organizational learning concept and examine leadership impact on your team. These modules will incorporate applicable learning skills from Emergenetics®  with interactive activities to engage the learners.

Module 1 – Connecting Your Thinking and Behavior Preferences to Your Leadership Style

Module 2 – Adapting Your Leadership Style for Effective Leadership

Module 3 – Motivation

Module 4 – Being Fair

Module 5 – Communicating Through Conflict

Module 6 – Coaching and Developing Collaborative Teams 

Module 7 – Managing Change and Growth through the Power of Influence

Module 8 – Leadership Accountability to Workplace Environmental and Psychological Safety

*Modules can be customized to needs of the organization.

Live LLO Training Coming Soon!

Skill Development Areas


A corporate learning culture begins with cultivating the right mindset and leads to high-performance. Drive impact by strengthening your organization’s learning culture.

Engagement & Retention

Engagement is measured by employee commitment and retention by how long stays engaged with the company. Drive business success by starting or overhauling your engagement and retention strategy.


Professional success begins with employees who are happy at work and leads to organizational success. This is a mutual benefit for organizations and their employees.

Emergenetics Consulting Tools and Solutions

Amediate can help your organization with our Emergenetics Consulting services. We can work with you to create an Emergenetics Profile, offering insight for members of your organization and ensuring talent development meets strategic business objectives.

What is Emergenetics?

Developed through years of psychometric research, the Emergenetics Profile accurately measures three behavioral attributes (Expressiveness, Assertiveness, Flexibility) and four thinking attributes (Analytical, Structural, Social, Conceptual). The attributes are represented in a clear, color-coded report, making it memorable and applicable immediately.

Emergenetics is rooted in the concept that who you are today is the emergence of your behavior, genetic makeup and life experiences. Emergenetics provides a clear way to understand this intersection of nature and nurture through the Emergenetics Profile, built on four Thinking Attributes and three Behavioral Attributes that every person exhibits.


The Emergenetics Profile was developed to distinctively measure how people think and behave. With this insight, you can develop personal strategies to get results.

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